Tuesday, April 23, 2019


CHILLY SLOUGH (Whitehorse)
Big Lost River Valley, Idaho.
Oil on gessoed rag board

For a brief time, I lived in the Big Lost River Valley. In this place, known as The Chilly Slough, the river appears without warning from a deep underground source, flowing through the valley, abruptly disappearing without adieu some 40 miles later. The valley is filled with fossils and Indian Paintbrush  flowers in every possible shade from bright red, peach, pink and yellow to its palest reflection. The ranching community fights to hold on to their land and way of life while wealthy out of state business interests scheme to take it from them. So many extremes, but it was a wonderful place to stop traveling, finish some writing projects and take stock of what might be next.

The locals say, “When the white horse appears, it’s the height of spring run off.” Finally, I learned what they meant – the side of one particular mountain melts off every year and reveals the image of a white horse – surprisingly elegant and sculpted and every bit as fleeting as a running horse.

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