Seawall Beach, Phippsburg, Maine
Oil on Canvas
(Private Collection)
One sunny summer day I hoisted the painting gear into a backpack and hiked into Seawall Beach, which neighbors Popham Beach. After an icy ocean dip to ease the stinging mosquito bites, I picked an overlook in the dunes and began to set up the easel and palette to attempt this image.
Suddenly a man popped up out of the tall grass wearing nothing but a lime green spandex thong. Startled, I launched a blob of Titanium white from the tube. We chatted lightly and then Mr. Thong mentioned having attended a very prestigious art school but admittedly “sold his soul” by going into advertising and graphic design. Lately he had felt an urge to get back to his first love of painting and he viewed my presence, and the lengths to which I went to paint here, as a good omen. Thanking me, Mr. Thong went on his way. One never knows the influence we may have on other people's lives. I was still smarting from the mosquitos, with the swarm no doubt anticipating my return.
A number of years later, a co-worker recognized this image immediately, and purchased it for his wife's anniversary gift. Seems he had proposed to her on this very same spot and it appeared to be a happy marriage.
Now about the ne-ked men.
Those of modest politics should note that on warm sunny days, the far end of Popham is usually occupied by nude or scantily clad men trolling for luv behind the dunes. During the glory years, park wardens could only cover so much ground on foot, thus the designated lookout had plenty of warning before every one had to scramble back into their shorts. These days, wardens come armed with fast moving 4-wheelers and the nudies are considerably more vigilant and cautious. Necessarily, the nude brigade has spilled over to Seawall Beach, at lease those who can weather the frigid waters.
As a member of the other gender, I was mostly ignored, with the exception of one gentleman named Richard. The first encounter happened as I was swimming hard against a strong outgoing tide when he suddenly appeared from behind the rocks -- butt naked and chirped HI like it was no big deal. Its a wonder I didn't drown-- but after careful consideration, I deemed him harmless and we talked on occasion. Since I painted here so often, it became his ritual to cross the river and say hello. In all those times, I never saw him clothed.
Years later, while visiting in Maine I took a rather sheltered friend to this beach, and was actually telling her of this fellow with a chuckle when I glimpsed someone walking towards us.
Oh My GOD... THERE HE IS, naked as always! Jolene figured I was joking until she looked around to see Austin Powers and his hair rug approaching. Quickly hiding her eyes in utter embarrassment, Jolene hissed, "Only YOU Deborah!" Honestly, at her age you'd think she'd seen one before. Richard called out hello and we chit chatted briefly. He inquired if I had a mailing address out West so he could drop a line? I fumbled for writing apparatus then quipped, "Oh... say Richard... do you have a pen?" Jolene was horrified. Thankfully, Richard soon headed off, and since it appeared my reputation of attracting characters was firmly in tact, there was nothing to do but laugh at the comedy of the event.
Those of modest politics should note that on warm sunny days, the far end of Popham is usually occupied by nude or scantily clad men trolling for luv behind the dunes. During the glory years, park wardens could only cover so much ground on foot, thus the designated lookout had plenty of warning before every one had to scramble back into their shorts. These days, wardens come armed with fast moving 4-wheelers and the nudies are considerably more vigilant and cautious. Necessarily, the nude brigade has spilled over to Seawall Beach, at lease those who can weather the frigid waters.
As a member of the other gender, I was mostly ignored, with the exception of one gentleman named Richard. The first encounter happened as I was swimming hard against a strong outgoing tide when he suddenly appeared from behind the rocks -- butt naked and chirped HI like it was no big deal. Its a wonder I didn't drown-- but after careful consideration, I deemed him harmless and we talked on occasion. Since I painted here so often, it became his ritual to cross the river and say hello. In all those times, I never saw him clothed.
Years later, while visiting in Maine I took a rather sheltered friend to this beach, and was actually telling her of this fellow with a chuckle when I glimpsed someone walking towards us.
Oh My GOD... THERE HE IS, naked as always! Jolene figured I was joking until she looked around to see Austin Powers and his hair rug approaching. Quickly hiding her eyes in utter embarrassment, Jolene hissed, "Only YOU Deborah!" Honestly, at her age you'd think she'd seen one before. Richard called out hello and we chit chatted briefly. He inquired if I had a mailing address out West so he could drop a line? I fumbled for writing apparatus then quipped, "Oh... say Richard... do you have a pen?" Jolene was horrified. Thankfully, Richard soon headed off, and since it appeared my reputation of attracting characters was firmly in tact, there was nothing to do but laugh at the comedy of the event.